Voice Classes
Group Singing Classes
We will offer classes throughout the year on topics of interest to academy members. Classes will meet at the same time and day each week for 4-8 weeks. Average class session cost will be $45/ hour.
Current class offerings:
What the Eff is Music?: A basic music theory course taught for singers BY a singer. Do you always find yourself lost when sight-reading music in a group? Here you can learn the basics of pitches, rhythms, intervals, counting and other basic skills for keeping up with the rest of the group on that first read-thru.
Some future classes we envision:
Learning Harmonies by Ear: Are you in awe of that person who seems to find a harmony to sing the first time they hear a song? You want to sing backing vocals on your church’s worship team, but there are no notes on the page! Where are those other people finding the harmony parts to sing? This class will help you learn the basics of harmonizing by ear, and you’ll get to practice it together to gain confidence in a new skill and diversify your usefulness in a team setting.
Vocal Improvisation 101: Improvisation really just means making up a melody to go with a pre-established accompaniment. It’s the basic foundation of writing your own songs. Here you can explore some of the foundations of musical structure, so you know what to anticipate, discover what would sound good as a melody, and how to add color notes and switch up the rhythms to make an existing melody more interesting.
These are just a few ideas. There are countless options for classes.
We hope to offer classes that are relevant and interesting to our effVA family.
Get Started Today!
eff your voice with singing classes at Effervescent Voice Academy
“I learned so much and improved so much as a musician. I was able to spend time with an amazing teacher making high-level music. It was amazing!.”
- Benjamin Wollmuth